Monday, March 19, 2012

When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry...

Bang, M. (1999).  When Sophie gets angry - really, really angry. New York:  Scholastic.

Temper, temper, temper...that is what my mom would tell me when I was little and became angry over something.  Sophie, on the other hand, handles her anger in another way.  The trick is for her to find a way to calm down.  How does she do it?

The colorful illustrations bring this book to life.  All of the jagged lines and  bright red colors around Sophie and other characters represent the anger Sophie feels when she has to share.  The illustrations of trees on the page where she cries show her stature as she is walking up the hill to her favorite place.  Her bent back seems symbolic of the defeat she feels when Mom tells her she must share.  In contrast, the color of her tree, white, represents the calmness she feels after she has had time to cool off.  

This book is considered a concept book.  It highlights the emotion anger.  There is very little text.  The illustrations do the majority of the telling of the story.  As a matter of fact, the reader could tell the story using the pictures only.  This would be an excellent book for younger students to use to talk about their feelings.

Big Question:  What do you do when you get really angry about something?

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